

Midday Visit

Over Night Petsitting

Pet Care

Pooper Scooper

Dog Walking

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      Precious    Pet Petsitting

Copyright 2013. Precious Pet Petsitting. All rights reserved.


Professional Pet Sitter


Dog Walking= $25 per visit for first 2 dogs

  • Any Additional dog $1.00 each.
  • About 25-30 minutes per walk.

Midday Visit= $25 per visit

  • Let your dog out and spending time playing with them.

Petsitting= $75 per day

  • Includes getting the newspaper, mail, turn lights on/off, indoor/outdoor watering of plants, and trash/recycling.

Midday Visit with Petsitting= $85.00 per day

  • Includes one visit during the day to let your dog out.

Dog Pet Care=$25 per visit

  • As many visits you want per day.

Cat Pet Care=$25 per visit

  • It can be once , twice or every other day per day.

Small Mammals, Fish, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians Pet Care=$22 per visit.

Livestock Pet  Care= Call me for prices.

Pooper Scooper Service= $20 for average size yard

Medication= $1.00 per dose including insulin

Holidays: New Years Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day ($5.00 extra per visit)



dog walking pet sitting pet care midday visit over night pet sitting pooper scooper service